Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that becomes a health hazard when inhaled or ingested into the body. The commercial value of asbestos as an insulating material and binding agent made it widespread in thousands of building materials historically, including thermal system insulation, flooring, roofing, caulk, and adhesives. Asbestos use and production have declined since 1980. Newer buildings are unlikely to contain asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM), though some roofing compounds were found to contain asbestos as recently as 2010.
What is AHERA?
AHERA stands for the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act. The Act requires that school districts (public or private K-12, not-for-profit) follow regulations that cover inspections for asbestos-containing building materials, management, and staff training. Schools must inspect for ACBM in each building used as a school at least once every three years. It is also required that each school maintain a written asbestos management plan to address potential asbestos hazards within the district. Staff that are working on asbestos-containing building materials in schools must be trained and accredited in accordance with the U.S. EPA’s The Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan.
How We Can Help
Impact7G’s team of professionals are available to assist clients throughout the process with extremely thorough reports and expert advice and analysis, including resources designed to inform and safely complete any asbestos project. Impact7G can prepare bidding documents, including an asbestos project design and contract documents for the abatement of identified ACBM. Impact7G offers asbestos air monitoring services involving the collection and analysis of multiple air samples throughout the duration of the project. We provide inspection services including AHERA three-year re-inspections, six-month periodic surveillances, and asbestos bulk sample collections. Our team of professionals can write asbestos management plans and advise as to a future course of action for any ACBM discovered in any district building.
Training Opportunities
Impact7G routinely hosts a variety of in-person and online certification programs related to asbestos. Course offerings include Asbestos Awareness, Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor, Asbestos Operations & Maintenance, Asbestos Inspector, Asbestos Management Planner, and Asbestos Project Designer. Impact7G has assisted with hundreds of asbestos projects in schools throughout Iowa. As new facilities are built, older structures may be renovated, decommissioned, sold, or demolished. Safely engaging in any activity that could disturb ACBM requires skilled and experienced professionals that can ensure teachers, students, and other building occupants are not exposed to unwarranted health hazards.