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City of Sioux City HUD Lead Hazard Control Grant

Services Provided

  • Lead-Based Paint Inspections
  • Lead-Based Paint Risk Assessments
  • HUD LBP Grant Management
  • Lead Training (Abatement Contractor & Abatement Worker)


The City of Sioux City


Sioux City, Iowa

Project Completion



The City of Sioux City was awarded a three-year HUD Lead Hazard Control Grant for the inspection, remediation, and/or abatement of lead-based paint (LBP) hazards within 111 “target houses”. Impact7G was initially awarded a contract to complete LBP Inspection/Risk Assessments for the target properties.

Well into the first year of the grant, the City approached Impact7G about becoming the Grant Program Manager to streamline the inspection, remediation, and clearance process. Impact7G worked with the City to improve the overall efficiency of the program by implementing a transparent process with real time project tracking.

By modifying the eligibility process, Impact7G was able to increase the number of remediated and eligible properties. Furthermore, we were able to increase the amount of grant funds spent on each property by reducing unnecessary expenditures. Impact7G is currently working with the City on their third grant related to lead hazards.

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