About the Workshop
This immersive workshop will focus on soil basics and soils relationship to landforms and hydrology for practitioners. Course includes an overview of soil types and characteristics, including hydric vs. non-hydric soils, interpreting soil data, and available resources. Building upon this foundation, we will also discuss the relationship between soil and topography, groundwater and surface water movement, prehistoric environments, and how soil impacts site suitability for various uses. Attendees will be in the classroom in the morning followed by hands-on learning in the lab or field in the afternoon. Click here to view the course flyer and to register.
Who Should Attend?
Wetland Delineators, Environmental, Biologists, Ecologists, Foresters, Geologists, Archaeologists, Stream Restoration Professionals, Stormwater Management Designers, Geotechnical, Civil and Other Engineers, Septic System/Wastewater Designers & Contractors, Watershed and Land Use Planners, Science and FFA Teachers, City and County Government Officials and Decision–Makers, and others seeking basic training in soils.
Course Instructor
Judith E. Joyce is a Senior Geomorphologist and a Principal at Impact7G. She had over 25 years of experience in hydrology, wetland science, and
soils. Judy specializes in watershed planning, water quality practices, stream assessments, soil characterization, plant identification, and hydrological studies throughout the Midwest. Her projects include stream and wetland restorations, stormwater best management practices based on natural system design, geomorphological and geoarchaeological studies, and evaluating land suitability for development. Judy’s passion has always been to find ways to bring nature back into communities.
Iowa Stormwater Education Partnership – Since our founding, the goal of the Iowa Stormwater Management Partnership (ISWEP) is twofold: Support compliant and effective local stormwater management programs with unified education and outreach delivered statewide.
Impact7G, Inc. – At Impact7G, we look forward to providing data-driven solutions whether a project is an asbestos, telecom, NEPA, compliance, or any other environmental service. We strive to maintain a culture where both staff and clients understand the benefit of proactive communication and a relentless dedication to meeting project deadlines.